(704) 312-8122

About Silver Lining Fitness
The leading provider of in- home personalized fitness solutions to improve quality of life.
Founded on the sheer belief that life is not lived by seeing personal wellness as a destination, but as a journey, Silver Lining Fitness strives to instill this mindset in each individual it reaches.
No matter which stage in life we are currently going through, we will always benefit substantially from exercise. However, it isn't always easy to maintain an active lifestyle when we may not know where to start in the first place. More importantly, as we age, other factors such as illness and chronic pain play a larger role in the hindrance of an effective exercise program.
As older adults experience physiological changes and degeneration of the neuromuscular system, it can lead to loss of coordination resulting in falls or injury. Proper training to target the components of the neuromuscular system leads to improved function, prevented falls, and reduced injury risk. There are more than 100 different risk factors that increase the risk of falls. Many, of which are preventable and modified greatly by appropriate exercise interventions.
Luckily, our team of well-trained and highly qualified professionals bring knowledge, years of experience, and a passion for helping those in need to the table. You can rest assured knowing that you or your loved one is receiving the highest quality in-home individualized wellness program around.