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"Forever Fit"

"We provide the Forever Fit program under the supervision of a well-qualified Senior Fitness Specialist with years of experience with the elderly population."

Throughout the years working in physical therapy in a senior living facility, a resident or their family member has often asked about continuing therapy when Medicare or their insurance carrier will no longer cover these services. Others have expressed interest in participating in a wellness type of exercise program to help prevent health problems from occurring or advancing. It has been documented that frequent participation in exercise results in positive outcomes for older adults. It is very encouraging to now know that you never lose the ability to benefit from exercise!


It is with this in mind that Silver Lining Fitness provides the "Forever Fit" program under the supervision of a well qualified Senior Fitness Specialist with years of experience with the elderly population. Before a resident begins, an assessment is performed in order to design and implement an exercise program that is specific to their needs. The program will be carried out with their physician's clearance, and records will be kept of the resident's attendance and performance. The resident's performance is assessed as needed, and program adjustments are made as indicated.

Individualized training to maintain and improve the following:


  • Strength and Endurance

  • Flexibility

  • Range of Motion

  • Balance/Fall Prevention

  • Core Stability

  • Postural Control

Program Specifics


  • Each client has their very own personal fitness professional for each session

  • Goals and treatment plans are established

  • The plan and goals are reviewed at least monthly

  • The program can continue as long as the resident desires

  • Records will be kept of the resident’s attendance/performance

We would love an opportunity to speak with you about the program. If you would like to inquire about getting started or have any questions regarding the program please contact us today! 
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